You May Hate It, But Your Customers Want to See You On Video

We get it. You started your company because you're passionate about what you do and you wanted to turn that into a full business. And running that business is what you love. The LAST thing you want to do is sit in front of a camera and talk! There are so many more important things you could be doing! Just throw some nice clips and get a narration for the video instead, it will have the same effect, right?? 

Sadly, it doesn't have nearly the same effect. And as much as we as business owners hate putting ourselves on camera, it's a necessity for our marketing efforts. A recent study showed social posts with faces in them received 32-38% more interactions than those without faces. This same concept applies to videos for your business. But it's not just for the interactions on social media, here are 3 big reasons why showing your face matters:

It Humanizes Your Brand

In today's world, customers want to relate to the people and companies they buy from. They no longer care nearly as much about buying from companies that seem to have the highest quality at the lowest prices. Don't get us wrong, that definitely still matters, but these customers also care deeply about buying from someone who they feel shares their values and someone they could relate to. This is seen clearly in the push over the last decade to buy local. People want to buy from someone they can get behind and support, and it's hard for them to do that if they never see your face or hear your voice!

It Builds Trust

Looking at someone's face can show you a lot. Did you know that most communication is actually non-verbal? It's not just about what you say. It's the tone, the facial expressions, and your body language! That's why a video without a face (or more specifically, your face) is missing out on these vital forms of communicating with potential clients. When a customer feels like they aren't connecting with you, they aren't willing to drop those walls and trust you.

It Creates a Story

People love a story. Stories have been used since the beginning of time as the oldest form of entertainment. It's simply in our blood as humans to love a good story. One of the most important parts of a story is the storyteller, and who better to tell that story than someone deeply ingrained in the you! Creating a story immediately pulls in customers like no other marketing can. People will feel more connected to your brand by hearing from you directly and hearing the story you have to tell of your business.

So, no more procrastinating! It doesn't even have to be anything fancy. Even just using your cell phone to occasionally share updates or fun facts about the business can make a MASSIVE difference in the engagement you get online. Whenever you're ready to go all in, just give us a call to help create a brand message video for your business. We'll put your story into a video that will show customers who you truly are and why they should work with you over those other faceless businesses.

Tommy Kirkpatrick